Google+ A Tangled Rope: Terrorist Leader Releases Audio Tape

Monday, January 25, 2010

Terrorist Leader Releases Audio Tape

In a Audio tape released to the Al-Jolsona media network yesterday, Old-Sam Binge-Drinka, the self-proclaimed 'leader' of the so-called Uttabollux 'terrorist network' Al-Ka-Hollix directly addressed the leaders of the West, proclaiming 'Come on then! I’ll have the lot of you!’ to all the leaders of the Western nations.


[Old-Sam Binge-Drinka]

In a poor-quality audio tape that often slipped in and out of audibility, the Al-Ka-Hollix mastermind singled out the United States for his spleen, pointing out that he had seen the US ‘staring at his bird.’, before going on to accuse both America and Israel of spilling his pint, ending the tape with the words ‘Come on, then all of you! Outside!’

'Let him come and try, if he thinks he's hard enough!' Mrs Clinton, the United States, Secretary of State yelled, before an aide pulled her back by the arm saying, 'Leave it, Hilary, he's not worth it!'

When finally coaxed out from under the Oval Office desk after receiving assurances that 'the naughty man had all gone away now', the US president said,

'Listen we both had a few drinks, you know, some things were said, a few things got out of hand and a few things happened which we all regret now. So, how about it then?' Finally adding, 'You're my best mate, you are.'

The Uttabollux terrorist grouping, Al-Ka-Hollix, have claimed sole responsibility for many recent of the most recent terrorist outrages caused by heavy drinking and claim to be the force behind several of the biggest post-closing time drunken brawls that have taken place in the Western world over recent years. Also, anti-terrorist police have pointed to several pools of suspicious looking vomit as evidence that Al-Ka-Hollix may be developing an offensive chemical capability.

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