Google+ A Tangled Rope: Sports News: The Big Fight

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Sports News: The Big Fight


Fans of ideological sports were yesterday offered a rare treat in the prospect of a no-holds barred fight between the UK government’s Queen of the Equalities, ‘Dirty Harry’ Harman, and the Catholic church’s Head God-Botherer, Joe ‘Benny the Rat’ Ratzinger, in a 15-round battle to decide which one has the most repressive regime.

With the two ideologies of Catholicism and Socialism both constantly trying to dictate how people live their lives, ideological sports commentators have been saying this fight has been on the cards for a long time. Also, with both opponents each fighting under the handicap of believing they are completely in the right whilst their opponent is an ideologically-corrupt perpetuator of bigotry, intolerance and blind prejudice, fight fans are expecting something of a grudge match.

There has already been one bout of pre-fight banter with both sides calling the other discriminatory and prejudiced.

A BBC ideological sports commentator said:

Although, both Catholicism and socialism are now both a long way past their peak, with many saying they should both have retired from the ring a long time ago,

It should be a close fight, as actually there is not much difference between politics and religion; both are basically anti-human ideologies, each trying to mould people into a shape that fits their theories, rather than the more obvious other way around. Of course, the sensible thing would be for the government and religion to get out of people’s lives, but neither of these ideologies is capable of such vision

Actually, with religion on its last legs around the world and with the sort of Left-wing political ideology favoured by Dirty Harry Harman now totally discredited as well as intellectually and morally bankrupt, you could see this as a last stand fight between two lumbering soon-to-be-extinct dinosaurs.

So, my advice is to just sit back and enjoy the spectacle of these two former legends of the ring laying into each other, knowing that – in the end – the result is just totally meaningless.

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