Google+ A Tangled Rope: Metropolitan Police ‘Still Institutionally Policeist’

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Metropolitan Police ‘Still Institutionally Policeist’

The Metropolitan police were today branded as ‘without a doubt still institutionally policeist’ by the head of the Metropolitan Police’s Special Pleading Association.


The head of the Met’s Special Pleading Association said:

For some reason it seems there are still – albeit only a minority – some police officers who think it is the job of the police to go out and catch criminals. However, this is the 21st century, and after over a decade of a Labour government you would have thought that they would have realised that the role of the modern police force lies solely in making sure that all possible diversity and equality targets are being met, both within the force itself and - out on the street - in wider society.

The Metropolitan police forc… service was first branded as ‘institutionally policeist’ many years ago when it was discovered that their publicity and recruitment posters did not meet ethnic and sexual diversity standards or help meet vital equality targets, and instead concentrated on claiming the police were there to help maintain law and order and other such – since discredited – concepts.

As a spokesman for the Home Office explained:

Under the wise and benevolent leadership of Saint Tony the Pure of Heart, and his glorious successor - the saviour of the world, Gordon Brown - this – the people’s Labour government – has successfully reduced crime to an almost record low. This means, of course, that those traditional forms of policing where the police would actually go outside their police stations and arrest criminals are long over.

Nowadays, it is much more important for the police – once the necessary paperwork has been completed - to make sure that ordinary so-called law-abiding citizens are constantly reminded of their place in society and who is in charge, and that they are fulfilling all their required and mandatory Good Citizen Duties correctly and paying their taxes and fines on time, so that our great work can continue.

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