Google+ A Tangled Rope: UK Government Warns Local Councils

Thursday, January 28, 2010

UK Government Warns Local Councils


Some non-entity from the government with an obvious make-work job title from a department you’ve never heard of before, yesterday warned local councils that:

If local councils do not screw as much money as possible from their local tax payers then the government would have no alternative but to take action against them, up to and including an in-depth investigation into each councillor’s claims for expenses.

However, the local councils were quick to respond, with a spokesman saying:

Look we already screw as much as we can out of our local taxpayers, fining them for all sorts of things like: leaving their wheelies bins slightly too far to the left, having the audacity to own and use a car, using pavements, breathing our local air, and all sorts of things.

It is easy for this government mouthpiece to claim we aren’t taking enough of taxpayer’s money, but the trouble is that the national government already takes most of the people’s money in national taxes, leaving very little for us to get our hands on, if we take much more of their money off local people for our so-called ‘local services’ then we run the risk of them not having enough money left to even feed themselves. Then who will pay to have all the starved, emaciated dead bodies swept up from the streets? I bet the national government will say it is all our responsibility as usual.

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