Google+ A Tangled Rope: The Male Patriarchal Scientific Conspiracy

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Male Patriarchal Scientific Conspiracy

Harpi Braindrain, the leading feminist theoretician yesterday launched yet another attack on what she calls ‘the male scientific hegemony’ of the western world, saying:

It is typical of the male scientific hegemony that while the oppressed women of this world are allowed only one egg per month, men themselves produce thousands of their sperm every day. This is not only a waste of the world’s natural resources, it is also deeply unjust when many lesbian couples I know who would dearly like to have children are denied, by the oppressive male medical and scientific hegemony, the basic human reproductive right to produce their own sperm. Instead, they have to find someway of getting the necessary sperm, while men – sometimes literally - are wasting sperm by the millions, especially now that the internet has made porn so freely available to them.

Of course, as we know the male scientific hegemony is only a narrative structure created by the military-industrial complex to further men’s oppression of women. This massive unjustified and totally unfair disparity between men’s wanton and excessive sperm production and the terrine waste and environmental pollution – just think of all those tissues, for example - and women’s caring, nurturing frugal cosmically and naturally balanced production of the single egg, just goes to show how the scientific narrative is institutionally biased against women.

Therefore, I am calling on all women to turn their backs on the Scientific Patriarchy and to join with me in creating a new female-centred paradigm of natural balanced wholeness with the feminine wholeness of the universe.

Braindrain, claims that if women create their own ‘Non-Masculine, Non-Scientific Paradigm’, for how the universe works then it will have to become true for them as, she says, ‘truth is relative and merely a narrative structure’. Braindrain hopes that if women can believe what they want to believe then they can bring about what she calls ‘a female-centred universe at one with the inherent harmonies and peaceful heart of nature.’

In the interests of balance, The Rope, contacted a leading male scientist, but when asked for his response to Braindrain, he just burst out laughing and put the phone down.

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