Google+ A Tangled Rope: The Handsome Prince

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Handsome Prince


Anyway, once upon a time there was a handsome prince. Unlikely, I know but I suppose it could happen occasionally in an infinite universe.

However, he was not a happy handsome prince, mainly because every eligible princess he was made to meet looked like either one end of a horse or the other.

Actually, I don’t really care about what happened to this handsome prince. Maybe eventually he did meet a beautiful princess, after all, even though all the odds seemed to be against it.

Or, maybe, instead he met a beautiful commoner and gave it all up for her, ran away to a new life in a new place far, far away from the palace.

Maybe he realised that beauty isn't everything and settled for a marriage of minds - although, him being a prince means that the only creature with a mind compatible to his would be an educationally under-achieving pilchard.

Perhaps the whole idea of a handsome prince was far too unlikely a combination and, consequently, that whole universe suddenly imploded itself in a fit of existential universal self-disgust, self-loathing and a completely justifiable hatred of cliché.

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