Google+ A Tangled Rope: New BBC Guidelines to Prevent Reality Interfering with their Worldview Introduced

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New BBC Guidelines to Prevent Reality Interfering with their Worldview Introduced


The BBC announced today that it is fully intending to crawl even further up its own self-righteous arse and not allow any of its broadcasters to say anything naughty or nasty about anyone or anything, unless of course it is the evil Tories or anyone who doesn’t share the BBC’s hopelessly naïve and increasingly irrelevant media celebrileftie worldview.

As some media-trained mouthpiece for the Corporation uttered:

We believe that everyone – except evil Tories and their ilk, obviously – has the right to have their opinions and beliefs protected from even the mildest scrutiny. This is in case they decide that such scrutiny is – horror of horrors – found to be offensive to them and their worldview, thus causing them severe uncalled-for stress when they discover that not everyone else in the universe agrees with them and has the sheer outrageous audacity to say so.

Rather than taking the more straightforward step of reminding everyone that no-one has the right not to be offended and that having even our most precious beliefs and opinions brought out to face questioning and even outright ridicule is a good thing, a vital thing, the BBC has decided instead to back down completely from anything resembling confrontation. The Corporation has therefore now decided it will let anyone get away with believing in absolutely anything they like – however mind-bewilderingly hatstand - without fear of the BBC confronting them over those beliefs.

The guidelines have also introduced new rules on preventing the over-promotion of brands, events and other entertainment products such as over-the-hill rock bands, but not to the extent that such stricter regulation would restrict or prevent anyone in the BBC’s higher management from getting access to any freebies available from such promotions.

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