Google+ A Tangled Rope: Politically-Aware Stoats

Monday, August 02, 2010

Politically-Aware Stoats


Sometimes it may seem as though every single stoat in West Shropshire is sniggering at you for being on the political Left. This – indeed – may very well be the case, but it is – we feel – more incumbent on you as the jape-ee to establish the meaning and the context of the reason why the aforesaid small mammals find you so hilarious.

This is – of course – a major change in the political landscape in this immediate post-election period. For, throughout its tenure, the Labour government regarded such inter-species ridicule, or even the mere possibility of such inter-species ridicule ever taking place, as something that should be of deep concern to society as a whole.

For such is the collectivist mentality on the Left that any such drollery by one species towards another must be seen as articulating something derogatory about not just the individual that is the butt of the humour, but of the whole collective of which that person is a member, in this case the human species. Not only that, such is the lack of humour, humanity or even insight on the Left as to the nature of joshing, banter and so forth that they believe anything said or done in a humorous manner must be meant, and meant as an act of hostility, and furthermore the ‘alleged’ humour of it as merely a veneer to hide a deeper insidious political purpose. For such is the limited mindset that says ‘everything is political’ and mean it, that it has such a narrow, simplistic and parochial outlook on the rest of the universe. For – in reality – most of the world, most of life, most of humanity is not political. The political is the aberration and therefore those that think that everything is political are themselves an aberration, which is why the bloody stoats find them all so fur-wettingly funny.

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