Google+ A Tangled Rope: The Handsome Princess

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Handsome Princess

Once upon a time there was a handsome princess, not the usual course of affairs in a magical kingdom it is true, but they had been having a few problems with the magic in that kingdom and the wizards had still not quite managed to get it working properly again.

The handsome princess, though, was not that bothered. She had always had a strong dislike of dragons and the way they flew about setting fire to all and sundry, so she was rather pleased that the general dragon-killing responsibilities in the kingdom now – it seemed – came under her remit.

So did rescuing any virgin princes, which – she discovered – was a bit of a problem, because event he most inept and socially maladroit of princes did not stay a virgin for long.

There was - apparently and much to the surprise of the handsome princess – something about princes that other women found rather attractive. The handsome princess thought maybe it must be the fact that it was well-known that princes had huge... tracts of land and therefore any women with her head screwed on – and seeing the limited career opportunities in being a witch – would do her best to snag herself a prince.

However, not that many people seemed to be interested in snagging themselves a handsome princess, no matter how many dragons she killed or virgin(-ish) princes she rescued from imprisonment in high towers (it had been discovered that the only way to keep a prince virgin long enough to see him married off to the progeny of a nearby kingdom was to lock him in a high tower).

Still, the handsome princess thought, one day she would live happily ever after, after all it was in the contract, and even if the wizards couldn't get the magic working properly, the lawyers could always make sure the contracts were honoured and that she could – therefore rest assured that one day her prince would come – hopefully while she was – at least – in the same room as him.

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