Google+ A Tangled Rope: The Consolations of Nudity

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Consolations of Nudity

Once upon a time you dressed so fine* which, to the minds of most philosophers does tend to undervalue the appeal of nudity, especially to those in the near vicinity of the undressed person – providing of course that the undresser is not too hard on the eye of the undressees nearby. In which case, there could be legitimate health and safety concerns, especially if the undressees all flee for the exits as a panicking mob.

Still, as they say: …..

Well, I'm pretty sure they would say something, after all in situations like this they tend to always have some pithy apophthegm to beguile us with, don't they?'

Smart-arsed bastards....

Anyway, putting that to one side while standing back to admire its rather fetching attractiveness for a moment....

It is time to step back for a moment from the... er.... rigours of philosophy to contemplate something rather less interesting than the possibility of someone in the near vicinity getting their kit off, which makes most philosophers themselves wish they'd spent less time amongst the dusty tomes and more time out meeting people with a disinclination to remain inside their clothing, but still - apparently – according to Boethius there are some Consolations of Philosophy, and he wrote that in prison, so - perhaps - he should know.

So, mind how you go**.


*Like a Rolling Stone – The Dylan

** Yes, It is a philosophy pun***


****Not really*****.

*****Sorry, that is.

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