Google+ A Tangled Rope: All the Puddings of our Desires

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

All the Puddings of our Desires

Still, it is not always the case that the use of the lemon meringue between consenting adults should be regarded as something private, especially when the aforesaid pie is about to be used in an erotic context (or, even, contest) on the local byways or thoroughfares, especially on Tuesday afternoons, although for those in Ludlow or Skegness, Wednesday mornings should also be taken into consideration, especially during the one day of the British summer when all manner of folks could be out and about, staring in wonder at the lack of drizzle.

Still, though, there is a long tradition of pudding-based erotic activity in these fair to middling British isles, hence the well-known spotted dick and custard of long tradition, as well as the jam roly-poly. Everyone, too, knows just why the puritans banned the Christmas pudding, and – as we now know – it had nothing to do with the amount of alcohol poured into it and/or the diners about to take part in the ritual of the pudding as they divested themselves of enough clothing to make the whole matter something to remember during the long dull days of the remaining winter. After all, the British winter is the main motivating factor behind the invention of the television, that and wanting to get out of the necessity of holding a conversation with any visiting relatives.

However, all that is beside the point, but do remember if you are about to take your lemon meringue out into the highways and byways of his once-great nation for a spot of outdoor eroticism, always make sure you warm your spoon first.

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