Google+ A Tangled Rope: Writing it Down

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Writing it Down

When the time is right we will know. Each day opens out before us like a new blank page, waiting for us to begin writing the story of that day upon it. There used to be times when we could fill each new page of the day with so many young adventures, when there was so much to do and the days stretched out waiting to be filled with possibilities.

As we grew older though our pages began to be filled with other stories, other lives, and we wrote only what we had to to get through that day. A routine inscribed in a routine way.

Now, though, those others have gone off to write on the pages of their own lives, leaving us here with only stories to tell each other, but our pages are not blank and empty of possibility. Now we are finding new stories, new tales to tell and finding old stories to tell in a new way. Our daily pages grow heavily into a book that will one day tell us everything we thought we knew.

One day, we will sit out in that sunny garden, reading back over all those pages we filled and we will have to wonder if they tell the whole story, or if there was something else, something we missed, while we were busy writing it all down.

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