Google+ A Tangled Rope: A Media-Infected World

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Media-Infected World


So anyway, there she was holding the parakeet as if she meant business, so what could I do, except pretend to take a sudden deep interest in my A-Z of Droitwich? I know it is a bit of a cliché, but these are the times we live in, where everything we see or do seems to carry with it the traces of some film or TV programme we have slept throu… watched.

Still, though, I thought the bit about the contents of that tin of mandarin slices and the bath full of lukewarm custard was a nice touch, even though that episode of Doctor Who was probably only watched by committed fans of the programme. As for the flippers and the adjustable wrench, well… I’m sure we’ve all seen our fair share of Hitchcock for me not to need to elaborate on that.

Furthermore, what with porn now part of the mainstream, I’m sure that what she did with that apprentice arc-welder from Bridlington will come as no real surprise to most readers of this piece, especially if they recall the infamous jar of piccalilli scene from Deep Throbbers 27.

Although, having said that, I’m sure my life is beginning to resemble the 7th series of Midsummer Murders, especially when it seems that everything I do and everywhere I go, somehow, no matter how deeply improbable it is, that Joyce Barnaby always seems to be involved somehow.

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