Google+ A Tangled Rope: Those Yo-Yo Days of Yore

Monday, July 04, 2011

Those Yo-Yo Days of Yore


Once there were spanners we could call our own, once we had tins of salmon too. Those were the days of long ago though, days when you had both a yo-yo and the knees for it. These days your yo-yo lies forgotten in a drawer, its string long since broke and you had to sell your knees to a Chinese toast merchant after the incident of '89.

We still have dreams though.

Even though those dreams are somewhat incoherent and seem to involve a great many sweeping staircases and a rather larger quantity of penguins than would normally be the case, at least this side of the Pennines anyway.

Back in those younger, more carefree days everyone had knees aplenty and even your rather wizened, but surprisingly sprightly, old great-grandmother had some knees rumoured to be about her person. Although, what her person was doing with so many knees, especially after they'd had to flee the 'old country' with such alacrity had never adequately been explained, even at the trial.

Still, though, at least you had some happy days with your yo-yo, before its string broke, anyway, and – these days – how many Assistant Commercial Premises Caretakers can say that?

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