Google+ A Tangled Rope: Doing the Decorating

Monday, September 10, 2012

Doing the Decorating


Still, despite a rather unusual approach to wallpaper hanging, she did get the decorating done, even if it did mean the full erotic capabilities of the stepladder were not quite as extensively explored as her apprentice would have wished. Still after that particular half an hour of her more than expert ministrations with the pasting brush, he should consider himself lucky to have escaped with only a slight limp.

Although, he was not the first – and will not be the last – she has left with a limp of one sort or another. She does tend to demand the best from her underlings and when they are – indeed – under her on the pasting table, then they are going to have to give her their all, of that we can have no doubt.

I – for one (well, for several, if the truth be told) know the wot of which I speak. I still have the scars from her over-enthusiastic wielding of the emulsion brush on the backs of my knees… even after all these years.

However, no matter what she says and does elsewhere, you know you are in for a hard day when, in a dust-sheeted room, she walks up to you dressed only in her peephole overalls, hands you a wallpaper scraper and says: ‘strip!’

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