Google+ A Tangled Rope: That’s Buggered It

Saturday, March 08, 2014

That’s Buggered It


Still, as she said at the time, it is a bit of a bugger. Exactly, how much of a bugger will, of course, depend upon the new unit of measure agreed at the next EU leaders’ summit.

There have been some complaints especially by scientists specialising in measurement the definition of the now international standard metric Oh, Bugger has been appropriated by politicians. Consequently with all the inevitable fudging, compromises and blatant electioneering and posturing such a process inevitably entails.

However, other experts point out that the politicians being the unparalleled experts at buggering things up are the ideal people to define just how much a bit of a bugger something is. Not only that, but also defining just what is involved – mainly themselves – in buggering something up past all possible redemption.

‘After all, as one MEP pointed out. ‘We created the EU and you couldn’t get anything more buggered up than that, or anything that buggers people about more.’ A point which those opposing scientist have had to concede, especially when some smart-arse pointed out that science was responsible for all manner of benefits from medicines to computers to understanding the very nature of the universe. All of massive and possibly incalculable benefit to the human race, while the EU’s proudest boast was that they came up with the Euro. Faced with such overwhelming data and their inherent belief in the power of evidence the scientists had to concede defeat.

However, many of the scientists took some comfort in the fact that it is the very EU politicians who are about to attempt to come up with an international standard of buggering things up. Therefore - given their impeccable record of accomplishment in the past – many of those scientists are quietly confident the politicians will bugger this job up too. They believe then it will be them, the scientists, who get called in to sort out the resulting cock up (Using well-defined SI Cock-Up units, of course).


[Books by David Hadley are available here (UK) or here (US)]

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