Google+ A Tangled Rope: Modern Horrors

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Modern Horrors


It seems so long ago now, but back in those days it was as if the tank top had never gone, lost in the mists of time. There was even talk, late in the night, when it seems the darkness can hold everything we fear, the dread flared trousers could come back to haunt us once again.

But, hard as it may appear, there are more horrors out there to scare and terrify than unfortunate fashion choices. Of course, we know that some poor unfortunates can cease to be human if they are infected by the plague that is politics. Politics is a disease that, as yet, science has found no answer for beyond quarantining the victims in houses of legislature. There the horrible disease that afflicts and then destroys their minds can be contained with little chance of it escaping to infect the rest of the populace. A populace that have enough on their plates following the plot twists in their favourite TV programmes without having to descend to the mind and soul-destroying miasmic mire that is party politics.

Beyond that, of course, there is the sheer terror of the TV schedules where vast inhospitable deserts spread out across the possible evenings of those looking for something decent to watch. The viewing schedule is a strange place where all the good programmes huddle together in terror around a mere handful of peak viewing slots. A place where each programme hopes, hope against hope, they will not be picked off one by one by the slavering hordes of Reality programmes that prowl the edges of civilisation. All waiting to tear, rip and devour the last few shreds of individuality and private thoughts from our already soporific tranquilised minds.

All this making the witches, demons and devils of past ages seem little more frightening than the prospect of accidentally switching to one of the shopping channels. Shopping channels that haunt our airwaves waiting to steal our brains and capture our credit card details.


[Books by David Hadley are available here (UK) or here (US)]

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