Google+ A Tangled Rope: Wedding Photographers of Doom

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wedding Photographers of Doom


But then, that is what will happen, even if all your penguins are called Norman and your Fridays taste of begonias. Still, as they say, all of this is all of that. No-one else can get so close to the traffic warden without staining the underside of their personal elderberry collection.

But, if you look out across the wide-open expanses of my bucket, you will see the Wedding Photographers gathering together on street corners as they prepare and gird themselves to march towards their collective doom. For we have seen the hordes of distant relatives as they too gather. We know only too well of their awesome powers of destruction as they rampage unhindered and unstoppable across the buffet tables of all our lives.

We know Only too well. We first met Only when she was but a mere slip of a girl. We have seen her grow both buxom and proud.

Now, then. Now and then. Then and now. What is this and how does it change your cabbage into something both edible and satisfyingly tasty?

I have seen all those dark secrets of yours and coloured them all in with my felt pens.

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