Google+ A Tangled Rope: The Importance of Recycling

Friday, March 09, 2012

The Importance of Recycling


Of course, it is a matter, most days of just sweeping up all the spare zebras and putting them in a neat pile ready to be taken to the wildlife-recycling centre when there are enough to make the journey worthwhile. There is nothing quite as futile and unnecessary as turning up at the wildlife recycling centre with a zebra or two and a gazelle, especially on the busy days when there is a long queue for the armadillo bins.

Other towns, other cities, other councils, have a collection scheme though, where any unwanted wildlife is put out in a special box, bin or enclosure ready to be collected alongside all the other recycling: cardboard, tin, plastic, unwanted relatives and so on.

After all, even though sorting out the second cousins, say, from the aunties can be a bit labour intensive, it is far better to have to pay for that than the cost of clearing our hedgerows and roadsides of fly-tipped grandparents and discarded younger sisters.

There is also the additional problem of what to do with the toxic waste, such as politicians, estate agents, members of the legal profession and, of course, journalists. There is nothing worse than finding one of these dumped, often without their protective container and usually unmarked. Sometimes if, say, a politician gets in amongst the discarded uncles a whole batch can become contaminated and have to be thrown out, which is a complete waste and makes the who recycling process pointless and more trouble than it is worth.

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