Google+ A Tangled Rope: Those Beyond The High Wall

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Those Beyond The High Wall


It lies out there, beyond the edge of this world. Of course, everyone knows the legends; we are told them while still young children in our cots. Stories of those beyond the wide river, those beyond the High Wall: the creatures that come, take and destroy.

Even up until recently - just beyond living memory, it is said by those old enough to know - there were soldiers, guards patrolling the high walls, but since the last Winter Sickness there have not even been enough of us to guard the villages against wolves and the other predators that can sense our current weakness.

There are the Far Tribes too, but no-one knows whether they suffer from the Winter Sickness or not, some say they are immune to the illnesses that ravage the villages, especially here in the cold north where living is hard at the best of times.

All of us, though, must spend a few seasons here in the North as the price we pay for reaping the rewards of our lands. There are some even who seem to enjoy living up here on the edge of the known world, who seem to relish the challenge the climate and other dangers bring. They have scorn for those they call the Soft Southerners, who they treat with disdain and derision.

I came here many, many, seasons ago and now the people of the North treat me more like one of them than the Soft Southerner I used to be, back when I lived my other life.

I am here now though, and as each day goes by I become more and more convinced that those myths, legends and stories we were all told so long ago were not just stories at all, now I begin to think they are all true and something waits beyond the High Wall and it knows its time will come soon.

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