There are times, early in the morning, when the weight of the day seems almost too heavy to bear. Times when it seems better to roll over, pull the covers up tight and hope the day gives up and goes away. There are times when the insistent morning nudges and prods you until you can stand it no more and the only thing to do I to get out of that warm safe bed and see what the day thinks is so important that it needs you there to see it all unfold.
The day always wants you to be there; as though mornings are some clever trick they have perfected just to beguile you. Each day has its morning there waiting behind your curtains ready to step out onto the stage of your day. It doesn’t seem to matter how many mornings you have seen before, each day believes that its morning will be the one that will have you leaping around ecstatically as though you life has just become one great big breakfast cereal advert.
Mostly though you just drag the curtains open and see the day is there, waiting for you. With no more than a brief glance and a cursory nod at its carefully prepared morning you turn away and head off towards the rest of your life.
Its as if you know what we are thinking.... Alas I've pulled the covers back over my head....mornings fool me too often...
Yes the day always wins...or should I say my dogs...woof woof...insistent...I have to get up let them out...morning world...come on dogs group hug on the bed...puts my tongue out to the morning...You don't catch me twice...turns over Ha Ha
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