Google+ A Tangled Rope: Notes and Comments: 11/06/2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Notes and Comments: 11/06/2008


Most, if not all, of the MSM sites today have a headline akin to the Telegraph’s Women think shopping, men think about sex, where, apparently:

Three quarters of young women think about shopping almost as often as young men think about sex, researchers have discovered.

Females between the ages of 19 and 45 think about buying things once every 60 seconds, while men are believed to think of sex every 52 seconds.

Amazing, you would think… unless you read further and see that…

The survey, for fashion website, interviewed 778 women between 19 and 45, and 74 per cent admitted to thinking about shopping every minute.

No, all that amazing now, is it? In fact not very interesting at all and about par for these surveys that masquerade as news. All they do reveal, if they reveal anything at all is the poor quality of most of today’s media, reduced to regurgitating meaningless ‘surveys’ with shock horror headlines, instead of going out looking for real news.

Something as vitally important as this, for example.

A new slogan for our times, perhaps? END TAX POVERTY NOW!

1 comment:

Andrew Loverock said...

Hello David,

I like your article 'This Time Next Year Rodney'
It is enjoyable to read and you demonstrate a dry sense of humour.
I am looking for a Ghost Writer, let me know if you would be interested. If not perhaps you could recomend someone.

Kindest Regards,
