Google+ A Tangled Rope: Notes and Comments: No. 10

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Notes and Comments: No. 10

The romance of the outlaw: Robin Hood, Jesse James, and so on. Now Delano Brown and Donnel Carty? I suppose the existence of those earlier figures does show that the fascination with the outlaw figure and ‘lifestyle’ has a long history. Since the invention of the ‘rebellious’ teenager in the 50s and the social liberalisation of the post-60s there is a feeling that something more fundamental has changed in this sort of attitude.

Another day, another comment:

It is just that the Christians were the latest to appropriate the ancient mid-winter festival to their own ends. Now that their influence is - at long last - on the wane, the older and far more important psychological needs for a mid-winter fillip are re-emerging some in the old ways like feasting, drinking and lights, some in new ways like a little chocolate now and then.


Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Or, perhaps not.
And, nothing will come of nothing.


Guessedworker said...


Just dropped by because I saw your name highlighted in blue on a sensible comment at the Telegraph on-line, and was curious to see what a claimed 170 IQ produces.

Bit disappointed to see that you apparently think the two black killers of Tom ap Rhys Price are in some way connected to the mythology of England, and a romanticized one to boot.

I urge you to educate yourself in respect of the Home Office statistics for crime by race. Murder, violent robbery, rape and violent hate crime are the most illuminating categories.

When you have grasped the enormity of the figures acquaint yourself with the works of Phillipe Rushton. Then you will know not only what happens in African lives but why.

Take courage. Good luck.

David Hadley said...

Guessedworker: Yes, I agree my original note was a bit duff. I did hope – at the time – that it would make sense in reference to the original article to which I linked it. However, your comment has inspired me to expand that brief note out into the longer piece I originally intended to write:
As for the IQ thing. It is not something I usually discuss, or even set great store by, but in this case, it did seem relevant as the 11-Plus was supposed to be a form of IQ test.
Phillipe Rushton – I’m very sceptical indeed. Although I do think there is a lot to be said for sociobiology I’m unconvinced that ‘race’ is all that significant. Having said that I don’t like the way that Rushton appears to be attacked by those that don’t like his theories.
Anyway, thanks for the comment.