Google+ A Tangled Rope: Warning over Lack of Fruit and Vegetables in Children’s Lunch-Boxes

Monday, October 03, 2011

Warning over Lack of Fruit and Vegetables in Children’s Lunch-Boxes


Parents are failing to put enough fruit and vegetables into their children's school lunch-boxes, recycling experts have warned. As one recycling expert said:
The EU has imposed some rather stringent recycling quotas on the UK and unless we do things like putting fresh fruit and vegetables into children's school lunch-boxes, which – almost certainly – ensures they will never be eaten we will not meet those targets.
As almost everyone knows children will do their utmost to make sure that anything that may be perceived as 'good for them' in their lunch-boxes will remain totally untouched for as long as it is allowed to remain in the lunch-box. This is a good way for parents to use up any fruit and vegetables they may have bought – often in a fit of naïve optimism - by first storing them in the child's lunch- box and then, later, emptying out that untouched fruit and vegetables into the recycling bin.

An education spokesperson also pointed out that putting fruit and vegetables into a child's lunch-box could also have positive educational benefits:
As all adults - who've had to clean out a child's lunch-box - know, after a few weeks in a child's lunch-box all the fruit and vegetables in there will have become a very interesting science project and one that is bound to fascinate most children. Although, we do try to make science as uninteresting as possible because – as teachers – most of us know next to nothing about the subject, we feel that something like this could easily be passed off as a project for the pupils to undertake on their own.
Furthermore, as a Government spokesman pointed out:
All of us in this country must do our bit must make sure we meet all EU targets, unless the UK is to lose its place as the country most likely to enforce EU laws no matter how stupid, expensive, pointless or self-contradictory.

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