Google+ A Tangled Rope: Not ‘Progressive’ At All

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Not ‘Progressive’ At All

Ironically, the left has done far more to commodify the individual than the right, turning each person from an individual into a representative, or statistical unit, of a sub-group. The status of that group – either a worthy victim group, or an unworthy oppressor group – dictates the worth of that individual, but only in terms of the group, not of the individual.

It also infantilises people who turn into helpless wimps who constantly seek even more increasing protection from the state, even for such trivialities as statements they find ‘offensive’ to their insecure feelings of belonging to a particular grouping.

Rather than being ‘progressive’, the left is actually regressive. It turns everyone from an autonomous individual into a whiny petulant child dependent on the mummy state, who it goes running to every time a bigger boy says – or does -something nasty to it.

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