Google+ A Tangled Rope: Salt Of The Earth

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Salt Of The Earth

An article by Tim Lott in The Independent on the BBC’s sudden realisation that there is still – just about – such a thing as the white working class. Coming from the working class myself, as Lott does, there is a great deal I recognise, and agree with, in his article, especially his remarks about how the abolishing of the Grammar schools has caused more damage to the working class. This is – of course – the exact opposite to the claims made by Labour and the left. Of course, the real reason why the Grammar schools were abolished was because too many working class pupils were getting into them, displacing those middle class kids whose parents regarded ‘a proper education’ as their birthright.

Middle class left-wing anti-elitism has also done far more damage to the working class, than is usually realised too. The destruction of aspiration – bettering oneself – killed off through anti-elitism is probably a major contributor to things like the ‘binge drinking epidemic’ that currently has the WLMC (using Lott’s abbreviation) wringing its hands too.

All in all, it is an unusually perceptive article for The Independent. However, I cannot go all the way with Lott, like him I doubt if I could ever bring myself to vote Conservative, and agree that the Lib Dems are a waste of space, but I no believe that I could ever vote Labour again either. Consequently, I still feel that the only thing I could put my cross next to on a ballot paper would be: None of the Above.

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