Google+ A Tangled Rope: As They Say

Monday, December 06, 2010

As They Say


The jelly babies of our desire are all gone now, just the merest traces of icing sugar left in the empty bag. I cannot turn to face the glockenspiel any longer without thoughts of you in that Captain Scarlet fancy dress outfit, and holding the soldering iron, intruding upon my thoughts. We had that time in Llandudno, but since then our banjos have been left gathering dust next to the discarded penguin that sits forlornly in the corner of the living room playing endless games of Ludo with the diversity outreach co-ordinator of all our fading desires.

Still, as they say, you couldn’t make it up, which hardly seems relevant at the moment, but they do insist on saying it, even at the wrong - and most – inopportune moments.

This does tend to make all this seem, well, rather ordinary. A typical early 21st Century suburban lifestyle, with - perhaps - slightly more penguins than normally would be the case for people in our socio-economic grouping, admittedly, but still a fairly typical scene, especially when there is nothing any good on the telly… as usual.

Still, as they say… again, kind words butter no social worker. That is, unless, of course you have filled in the correct Social Worker Buttering-Application form, which is now – luckily – available on-line at you own local council website. Therefore, that, as they say, is progress for you.

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