Google+ A Tangled Rope: Emerge Out Of The Undergrowth

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Emerge Out Of The Undergrowth


Those moments alone when it seems as though the life that revolves around you is almost on the verge of making sense. A time when the path ahead seems to emerge out of the undergrowth clearly for the first time, and you are there, ready to take those first tentative steps.

It is quiet, peaceful. The only sound is the sound of your heart, tremulous with the excitement of understanding. Things have never seemed this clear before. In the past there was always the sound of other people, the sound of lives moving around you, sometimes colliding with yours.

Now though, out here, deep in the forest of possibilities, you stand alone. Even the persistent birdsong seems to have faded, as though some hidden hand of nature has lowered the volume just for you.

Then you prepare yourself for this new path, branching off the one that has grown so familiar. You pause to take one more look around this familiar path, noting the shape of the fallen tree that looks like a drowning man, its one remaining branch pleading up towards an indifferent sky. It seems almost as if it could be symbolic, but of what you don’t really know. Instead, you take one long deep breath and set off deep into the unknown.

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