Google+ A Tangled Rope: Time Passes

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Time Passes

Now, the time has come to move away from this place. We have been here for too long. It is time to move on. This place is worn out. We are tired of it. It is time for something new.

The words we find here are old and stale now. It is time we found a new place with new words.

Things do grow old with time. Everything changes, except time. Time just marches on, regardless. It will not wait for us, or allow us to step back to a few days, months, or years ago to change our mistakes. We have to accept whatever it gives us.

Learning to live with time is the hard part. Learning that there is no going back, that we have to live with what happens and can do nothing to change it - that is the hard part. That is why so many people fall apart in one way or another. Time damages us. We suffer from time sickness. It will - of course - kill us in the end. Time is always fatal. There is no cure for time.

Time is there all the time. Even while you sleep, the seconds it allows you are running down the drain of your personal history. There is no escape. You cannot wake in the night and hold back that streaming away of time.

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