Google+ A Tangled Rope: Girls! Girls! Girls!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Girls! Girls! Girls!

As a way of getting back into the groove, here is my comment on a Grauniad Cif piece from just before Christmas: A tide of bland imagery tells girls that sexy is everything

My comment on the above:

Well, my gast is somewhat flabbered. An article on CiF I can agree with... whatever next? Perhaps it is Christmas after all.

However, unfortunately for smug Guardianistas, you can't completely blame this consumerist commodification of the self (for both males and females) entirely on the usual right-wing, free-market demons. For trendy-left anti-elitism is also - at least, partially - responsible for a dominant - but stagnant and stultifying - shallow popular culture which puts image way, way, above substance to the point where anything of substance is completely lost.
Of course, the (former) broadsheets themselves (both of the nominal right and the left) are complicit in this too. For they are constantly telling the mothers of these kids that they 'must have' this handbag, that exact pair of shoes, those particular knickers if they want to be a real woman, rather than suggesting to them it would be far better for them to grab a handful of, say, Wollanscroft, Greer and de Beauvoir.

Comment Ends.

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